Friday, February 9, 2007

Conservatives clueless on environment

Watching clips of new environment minister John Baird appearing before a Commons committee studying the clean air act and smugly telling us that the Tories were not even going to try to meet Kyoto targets through emissions-trading or any way else. I was astonished at how much these guys just don't get it. Polls are showing that the environment, it turns out is much more important to Canadians then conservatives thought and as a result they have pretended to have seen the light and gone green.Yet they still come out saying essentially the same thing they said before about Kyoto. It cant be done and the sky is falling. "Canadians do not want empty promises on a plan that we cannot achieve and they do not want our country to face economic collapse," Huffed Baird to the committee. If conservatives believe that the only way to reach Kyoto targets is to send the country into economic collapse then they are clearly not qualified to be running the country. Baird is just Rona Ambrose with a bad attitude and a junior high come-back.