Thursday, February 22, 2007

Dion shows leadership

Stephane Dion is refusing to back down from his decision to let two provisions of the Anti-terrorism act die next week. He does this despite massive and hysterical opposition from the Conservatives, many in his own party and even the senate. The absolute panic shown by the powers that be is a little bit concerning. Clearly the security establishment was caught off guard when Dion decided to let these draconian powers sunset and have gone on an absolute offensive in the media and in the house to have the Liberals change course. Dion to his complete credit has steadfastly refused to bow to this pressure. The fact that there seems to be so many who think that we need to keep these provisions and that they are so able to dominate and influence the debate is the scary part. Why are they so concerned? Are they afraid of looking soft to America? Do they see this as a setback to achieving their integrated security state? Regardless of these fascists both within and without of the Liberal party, (those within should be purged.) Dion stands tall. That's leadership. Harpers attempts at tying this in with the Air-India Inquiry are laughable and it smells like the RCMP is in bed with the Conservatives again trying to make the Libs look bad. Suddenly they needed to use this provision? The Supreme court didn't rule last week. The've known for awhile they could use these provisions and haven't felt the need. This is BS and it will come back to harm Harper among Indo-Canadians whom he seems to think are completely gullible.