Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Swing voters let down Canada.

I've long been an admirer of Canada's middle. The long suffering moderates patiently sitting through long winded rants from partisans of all sides and trying in most cases to reach some sort of middle ground. Now I'm not talking about the "what are you gonna do for me voters". Those who care little for politics and simply vote for whomever will give them the biggest tax cut or handout. Every democracy is burdened with such folks. I'm talking about the genuine fence sitter. The voter who says "tell me your platform and if I think it has merit and it's good for Canada and it's better than the other guy's platform, I'll vote for you. I don't care about labels, I don't care about left or right ." These people are sincere and generally very well informed. In most cases they are very adept at sniffing out ideologues. Although I admire these people I cannot be one of them. I am what I am and feel very strongly that without Conservatives in the world we would all be holding hands and singing and basically enjoying our Utopia. I don't even want to hear the other side. I am an Ideologue. Just like Stephen Harper. If I were Prime Minister I would immediately pull all the troops out of Afghanistan because I would need them in Alberta where I would be totally nationalising the oil patch. I would stack the courts and the senate and the committees that select the judges with people who thought exactly like me. And I would end free trade. In other words the stock market would crash and the US would invade almost immediately. That is why swing voters tend to stay away from guys like me and historically from guys like Mr. Harper. And make no mistake Harper is an ideologue. From his reckless trashing of the wheat board because he doesn't like monopolies, never mind if it's what farmers want, to his cancelling of Liberal Environment programs because he didn't believe in the science only to renew many of them later when he saw the light or maybe the polls. Stephen Harper is way out there. Don't forget he doesn't even have a majority. His Idealism is perhaps most obvious when it comes to law and order issues. His disdain for the courts and those he considers activist judges is well documented. And now he is stuffing the courts full of conservative activist judges. Mostly they believe that everyone should go to jail forever. Especially poor people. Also he is stuffing the committees that recommend judges full of, you guessed it, conservative party hacks and cops! Yeah cops picking judges, great idea. Mr Harper isn't stopping there though he's also stuffing the parole board with Tories including the wife of Vic Toews' Buddy. Listen I understand why you guys may have voted for Harper at first. You wanted to punish the Liberals and with the grand old moderate PC party gone you didn't have much choice. Besides Harper was acting all "look at me I've gone to the middle". I think now it's obvious he hasn't. Canada's swing voters have a job to do. Don't let him buy you with a tax cut. You're better than that. Canada is great because you don't let me run it and because you don't usually let guy's like Stephen Harper run it either.