Thursday, March 13, 2008

I feel like Lady Macbeth

During the last election I cast my vote for Anita Neville the liberal MP from my riding. She won. To my absolute dismay I just watched her stand up in the house of commons with the rest of the Liberals and vote to extend the nightmare in Afghanistan until 2011. Why can't I get this blood off my hands. I suspect that most of the Liberals who just betrayed Canada know in their hearts that I am right. They may comfort themselves with whatever Ignatieff told them or tell themselves that they achieved a compromise but they achieved nothing(accept drive the entire left-wing of the party to the NDP). Let's look at this so called compromise. The combat mission will absolutely end in 2011. Ya until you all vote to extend it again in 2010). NATO must supply 1000 more troops. Unless there is a miracle those troops will be American putting even bigger fucking targets on our soldiers back. It may be nice to have a 1000 Americans on your side in a fire fight if you can withstand all the friendly fire but our troops for the most part aren't dieing in firefights, they are dying from roadside bombs which by the way there will be many more of now that there are a 1000 more American targets standing beside us. Probably more villagers will get killed in the air strikes called in constantly by said Americans. What a recipe for success. Were gonna get some helicopters woo-hoo! now instead of running over roadside bombs our soldiers can be killed by the bushel from RPG fire. That's of course if we ever get these helicopters. They will probably be ready to go right around the time Parliament is voting to extend the mission to 2015. I give up, I guess the powers that be have decided this war is a go no matter what a majority of Canadians think. Now I know how people in England felt when the Labour party abandoned them over Iraq. This country is broken, this democracy is broken. How many of those dickheads that voted to extend this war live in ridings that are hugely against this war? All say it again, Democracy is fucking broken. Dion you were originally against this why did you cave? You know this is fucking wrong, out damn spot indeed. Fuck why cant I get this blood of my hands?


Anonymous said...

Lol, you are the only one to mention this at liblogs!

Its funny how liberals don't like to talk about things the percieve negativity in their party. One example was the fiasco involving Ruby Dhalla in India, not even one post about that whole thing! Go to the blogging tories, and you find a great deal of criticism, mostly for the lawsuit, cadman and the RESP bill, lots of other things in the past also, at least they're talking about the stuff.

Liberals will never talk about these things though, and I congratulate you for having the guts to post this.

Those anti-war liberals, there are many, will now all move over to the NDP. Truly, the liberal party of Canada will be non-exsistant in a year or so!

I am enjoying this.

Unknown said...

I understand your profound disappointment in the Liberal Party and Dion. I realize that many progressive liberals thought they were electing a leader from the left of their party when they supported Dion. The difficulty is that the right of the party has always been very strong and will continue to be. You will always have the Manley's and the socon lib caucus (remember the folks who voted against charter rights for lgbt community - repeatedly).
I know that you are a self-described militant liberal but there is a party that upholds the values of peace, that is challenging the cons on the environment and has a track record of defending the charter ( not to mention having a progressive and prudent fiscal policy). You can always support the NDP.

RuralSandi said...

Well, here's some "SERIOUS" food for thought. Robert Fife said on Mike Duffy last night that if Harper gets a majority - the Afghan war will be open-ended. If there's another minority or if say the Liberals won a majority - the war will end in 2011.

Now, if people vote NDP and say split the Liberal vote - there's a big risk of a Harper majority and a neverending war.

Something to think about.

Unknown said...

Hope over fear. If we continue to vote out of fear instead of hope we will never get representation that will reflect our values and work to fulfill the aspirations of Canadians.
Canadian progressives have voted out of fear for too long.

Militant Dipper said...

Cicely, maybe I should go back to the NDP, it wouldn't be my first dip with the Dippers. My problem with the NDP is mostly because of my experience with Maniitoba's provincial NDP. They are about as left-wing as Ronald Reagen. They run a police state in Manitoba. Gary Doer is a big fan of the war and an even bigger fan of Nafta. I have also never understood why the NDP hates the senate so much. Sometimes they can be as annoying as the Liberals or just as political. Support far Harper's super-fascist crime bill comes to mind.Will there ever be a party for me? one that gets equality and liberty? one that hates both corporate and state tyranny?

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